stk.calculators.electronic_property package

Defines electronic property calculators.

Electronic property calculators calculate the electronic properties of molecules, namely the dipole moment, electron affinity and ionization potential. Each ElectronicPropertyCalculator is initialized with some settings and calculates the electronic properties of a molecule with dipole_moment(), electron_affinity() and ionization_potential().

# Electronic property calculators work with any Molecule objects ,
# such as BuildingBlock, Polymer, Cage etc.
mol1 = BuildingBlock(...)
mol2 = Cage(...)
mol3 = Polymer(...)

# Create the electronic property calculator.
gfnxtb = GFNXTBElectronicProperties(gfnxtb_path='/opt/xtb/bin/xtb')
mol1_ea = gfnxtb.electron_affinity(mol1)
# We can optionally specify a conformer.
mol2_ip = gfnxtb.ionization_potential(mol2, conformer=1)
mol3_dm = gfnxtb.dipole_moment(mol3)

By default, calling any of the ElectronicPropertyCalculator methods twice on the same molecule will calculate the property a second time. However, we can use the use_cache option to prevent recalculations when the same molecule and conformer are given to the same electronic property calculator a second time.

caching_gfnxtb = GFNXTBElectronicProperties(
# Calculate the EA the first time.
ea1 = caching_gfnxtb.electron_affinity(mol1)
# The second time, the EA is returned directly from memory, a
# second calculation in not run.
ea2 = caching_gfnxtb.electron_affinity(mol1)

Available electronic prperty calculators.

Extending stk: Making new electronic property calculators.

New electronic property calculators can be made by simply making a class which inherits the ElectronicPropertyCalculator class. In addition to this, the new class must define dopole_moment(), electron_affinity() and ionization_potential() methods. Each method must take 2 arguments, a mandatory mol argument and an optional conformer argument. The method will then calculate and return the relevant property. There are no requirements regarding how it should go about calculating the property. New energy calculators can be added into the electronic_property_calculators submodule or into a new submodule.
